Our unique blend of state-of-the-art technology, extraordinary research capabilities, wide-ranging partnerships, and deep expertise ensures that MCAG clients are informed of all relevant opportunities to receive the maximum recoveries they are due—and all deadlines are met to file a complete and timely claim with minimal effort.
Settlement Navigation
We are the single point of contact for all settlement needs. From verifying class eligibility and filing claims to resolving data requests from settlement administrators and helping clients collect their share of the distribution — we make sure you get the support and information you need. Our experienced, in-house consultants guide you each step of the way, from answering settlement-related questions to informing you of future settlement opportunities.
As a result of our twenty years in the class action settlements arena, MCAG is exceptionally familiar with the process of submitting, tracking, and reconciling all types of class action settlement claims. We handle all the details, including preparing and submitting any required documentation and claim forms and working with settlement administrators to reconcile and distribute appropriate recoveries under the terms of the settlements.
Data Coordination
We don’t just point clients down the right path; we take their hands and walk them through their class action settlement journeys. Thanks to our partnerships with the nation’s largest healthcare IT companies, payment card processors, and select law firms and consultants, we are armed with the right data. MCAG has unrivaled expertise and access to relevant data for more than 6.5 million businesses.

You will never face a class action settlement alone.
We will invest the time and resources to understand your organization and its needs.
We will work collaboratively with your team and share our knowledge and expertise.
We will develop forward-thinking revenue recovery solutions to meet your needs.
We will always be honest, transparent, and collaborative. We believe integrity is of the utmost importance and strive to create and deliver genuine value for our clients.
We will advocate on your behalf.
You win when you make our best-in-class settlement recovery service part of your revenue recovery strategy. You win because you recover more revenue — both short and long-term. You win because your team is less burdened. And you win because you navigate class action settlement journeys with less frustration, more ease, and better outcomes.